GHLU is motivated by the fact that our entire world has been wounded by all kinds of afflictions and greatly in need of healing. When God created mankind, the original plan was for us to be eternally blessed as we lived in a loving fellowship with Him. We were created to glorify God through worship and obedience and to extend His will and righteousness on earth.

However mankind betrayed their creator and thus began the systemic degeneration of life. As the word of God declares, due to our unwillingness to acknowledge God and His will, we have become filled with wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. We are full of envy, murder, strife, violence, deceit and malice. We are gossips, slanderers, inventors of evil things, disobedient, arrogant, untrustworthy, unloving, merciless and unforgiving.

As a result of such pervasive degradation of evil thinking and behavior we have defiled society’s economic, political, social and moral systems of life on a global scale. Natural calamities, human destruction, massive sufferings in the form of poverty, injustice, war, oppression, persecution, genocide, etc., have prevailed to the extent of being everyday practices of the world. This condition has profoundly affected every single individual, every family, every generation and every nation – so much so that no one is able to experience true freedom, joy, peace, hope and progress.

When knowledge is based on the defiance of God, human intelligence, ingenuity and wisdom are incapable of correcting the past and healing the present towards shaping the hopeful future. Neither, human reasoning at its best, the most magnificent scientific discoveries, the wonders of philosophical and political creativity, military might, nor extraordinarily skilled diplomacy are able to provide fulfillment, contentment and internal peace.

This is why God says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you as my priests, because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

True healing comes from our gracious God who came to this world as the man, JESUS, and died on the cross for all of us because He so loved the world. And because of this great love He wants to forgive each one of us. He wants to heal families, transform nations, and restore the world. JESUS is able to bring abundant life, restore what is lost, and recover what is dead. Believing in JESUS and in His teachings will empower us in knowledge and compassion so that we may heal the wounds of society. He says:  I am the way, the truth, and the life.

The key to experiencing a full and abundant life is for us to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Unless our mind is renewed and transformed, the present state of life cannot be changed. As Albert Einstein once said, No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that has created it.

Through the renewal of our minds we can be better equipped to foster an environment that is able to heal the brokenness of our own individual communities, to reshape every system in all spheres of societal life that will subsequently transform nations and ultimately the world.

GHLU was founded primarily for this very purpose led and guided by the Gospel of the Kingdom:-

–  To work toward the restoration of humankind in the true way of life as it is intended at the very beginning.
–  To make nations disciples of freedom, peace, harmony, justice and progress.

To fulfill our purpose and goals we use the holy tools of faith which are:-

– LOVE            :  The most excellent way
– UNITY           :  The forever blessed life
–  FORGIVENESS : The only path to peace and reconciliation

This is a call from Global Healing in Love and Unity ministries (GHLU).It is a call for others to join us in our life’s calling. We strongly believe to work in partnership with individuals, churches, governments, regional and global unions, ministries, professional associations, academic groups and institutions, governmental organizations and those who are working toward peace and well-being of society.





Global Healing in Love and Unity is a call in pursuit of new path for human kind to turn from the present defiled state of life and seek the true way of peace, reconciliation, justice and progress. We are led by the word which says:
But from Him you are in Christ Jesus, who for us became wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, in order that, as it is written:  The one who boasts must boast in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)



Global Healing in Love and Unity is Jesus centered fellowship which serves to transform nations through spiritual renewal and systemic reformation of life in individuals, families, and communities based on principles of the kingdom of God.


Servant-hood: –

Our greatest model of servant-hood is Jesus himself. Our principles of this system of life lies in that: the presence whatever of evil does not  hinder our love for others, and no matter how bad things occur we have no excuse for serving others. Humility is to be our weapon; having clean and calm heart is to be our trait.


We have deep awareness of the suffering, oppression and torment of the people by the global evil systems of life. We have the feeling of deep   sympathy and sorrow for all people in general and for the poor and brokenhearted in particular with our strong desire to relieve and   transform through unconditional love.


We believe in relationships characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility based on trust for the achievement of the common good.  We strongly believe we are a part of the whole in which we go alone in our endeavor. The oneness in Jesus is our cornerstone.


We develop the culture of being answerable and responsible in our ministry activities and in our life. We believe to be accountable to God, to the public, to governments and leaders, to our partners and to the rule of law.

Integrity: –

Our major principle of integrity is Godliness. We adhere to the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus that are the highest standards of integrity. Honesty authenticity, openness and wholeness are to be our observed systems of life.


We strive to establish the principle and practice of giving cheerfully. Sharing is to be one of the manifestations of love.


1. To teach, evangelize and preach the gospel of the kingdom of God.
–  We do this by:-
:  presenting the teachings and the life of our lord Jesus Christ using method of small groups,
:  authoring books, preparing basic study materials and guidance for small groups,
: using different mechanisms of media and communication Like TV, radio, website, etc.
: delivering seminars and conferences,
: preparing study programs for the youth and children

2. To Plant and expand the church.
– We do this by:-
:  focusing on remote areas where there is much need,
: training and deploying disciples,
: establishing follow up mechanisms with the view of Biblical quality,expansion and sustenance,

3.To provide global prayer ministry.
– We do this by:-
: organizing international, national and local prayer groups,
: taking initiatives for occasional and situational prayer devotionals,
: responding to prayer requests

4. To demonstrate, and educate society the alternative path of spiritual, economic, social, ethical and moral systems of life</p>
in the kingdom of God
– We do this by:-
: instituting the alternative system of life in the kingdom of God in contrast to the world kingdom in all professions and in all sectors of societies as a day- to-day practice,
: using media and communication systems like TV, Radio, Website, publications…etc., training kingdom missionaries, and ministers in every field in every sector, in every profession and in every class of the society. : authoring books, preparing transformation materials,
: providing conferences, seminars, symposia and other forums,
: undertaking research and development on policies,

5.To serve as an agent of peace and reconciliation among peoples, nations, and communities, unions, organizations.</p><br>
– We do this by:-
: educating the peace and reconciliation teachings of Jesus The prince of peace.
: providing practical mediation and reconciliation services to conflict situations,
: promoting, and adapting useful indigenous and traditional ways of peace and reconciliation


6. To equip new generation carry out the mission of transforming society with kingdom principles.
– We do this by:-
: educating special generational awareness teachings that correct the past and shape the future,
: providing training and conducting capability building activities in leadership, instilling the new way of life using gospel of the kingdom perspectives,


7. To work in partnership with leaders and officials of governments for the goals of reconciliation and transformation.
– We do this by:-
: promoting peace and reconciliation activities among their Peoples,
: being partners in tasks spiritual and social reformation of nations,
: providing research works and materials, conducting joint studies,enhancing their governance in love and unity,
: preparing training programs, conferences,seminars and symposia on leadership, governance and systems reform,
: partnering in keeping up their spiritual wellbeing

8. To provide family healing and restoration ministry.
– We do this by:-
: educating the truth of family life love based on Biblical perspective and principles,
: providing training for family members and family counselors,
: providing family counseling,
: conducting community development works and providing social services focused on women and children

9. To promote, enhance and revitalize kingdom principles of love and oneness in the church.
– We do this by:-
: teaching and preaching about love and oneness of the church accord In to Biblical principles,
: seeking in prayers, conducting revivals, and providing conferences and symposia in partnership with church leaders,
: devising support mechanisms to fulfill material and spiritual needs of church ministers and missionaries,

10. To demonstrate the true way of life through different kinds of social services and community development activities.
– We do this by:-
: participating in emergency relief and rehabilitation programs,
: providing missionary public health services,
: establishing charity fund for orphans, elderly and disabled,
: providing community based, integrated development works focusing
in rural areas and poor urban dwellings

11.To establish broad International network of global kingdom partnership for the purpose of transformation of nations.
– We do this by:-
: participating in established forums, associations and Platforms working for common purposes and goals,
: Taking initiatives to establish forums,create networks of leaders and professionals for common goals such as peace, reconciliation, research and development, missions, etc.

12. Single Mom Ministries of GHLU is to see the nations in love, Unity, respect fully and considerately; to see risk and vulnerability free women free living in peace to leading themselves and their family.
– We do this by:-
: Providing capacity building training to Single Moms to increase their proficiency,
: Providing consultancy service to Single Moms,
: Working through establishing awareness creation programs to explain the nature of loneliness and how it happened,<br>
: Facilitate provision of support to Single Moms,
: Dispatching message via websites and print media,
: Develop union for Single Moms,
: Conducting research in communication with institutes working in relation with lonely mothers;performing experience sharing process
: Before the happening of loneliness problem among the family delivering teaching in relation to family and marriage.


A- Global Healing in Love and Unity Ministries is a non-profit organization legally established with 501c3 status. It has two major offices,in USA and in East Africa, and several regional and local offices around the globe. The top leadership team of GHLU is the president, vice presidents and secretary surrounded by general council and board.

Our organization functions in five major dimensions of ministries using different body’s less than one organization. All its ministries and bodies work for the global vision and mission of GHLU.

B- Major GHILU ministries
Leadership outreach and Reconciliation Ministry
Gospel of Grace Ministry
Family Healing and Restoration Ministry
Community service and Development Ministry
Global Kingdom Network
ECHO Association

C- Major GHILU Bodies
Board of Director Officer Advisory

D- Branch bodies
Regional Offices
Local Offices
GHLU support groups