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My name is Asrat Girma. I was saved in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church where I am serving the Lord. I am a director of SIM and involved in disciple making as well as coaching leaders. I have read Brother Adiamseged’s books, especially the commentary on the epistles to the Hebrews and Ephesians. I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the writer’s efforts. I have learnt a lot from these books. Thinking about preparing a commentary is a great contribution on its own right but our brother has gone beyond thinking about it. It is so hard to find commentaries written in Amharic. There may be one or two but you cannot find commentaries on each book of the Bible in Amharic. I understand that the lack of such material is one of the major factors for the lack of Bible knowledge in our country. I am confident that the books by Adiamseged will fill this gap. It is commendable that the drafts, prepared with no less quality than published works, were given to some readers for comment before publication. The books are packed with information and detailed analysis of essential teachings. I have seen that especially page 22 of the commentary on the book of Hebrews presents lots of information and is not confined in the views of one denomination which lends acceptance to the work by many. The draft has made a lot of effort to make the study applicable to current situations and personal lives of believers. It is not the kind of book that shines temporarily and fades later. It is a timeless work that can help and bless many generations to come. I would like to take this occasion to recommend these books to Bible teachers and students, preachers, and pastors. They are helpful in making disciples of many believers. If Adiamseged alone can do so much, I believe many other writers can produce more books and help in clearing up the confusion and correcting the errors that are currently threatening the church. I suggest we support Brother Adiamseged by purchasing and reading the books and commenting on them. And I am grateful for the opportunity of giving this comment. Thank you.