Dr. Weyta Weza comments on Adiamseged

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My name is Dr. Weyta Weza and I am serving in the as the deputy general secretary in the head office of the Ethiopian Kale Hiwot Church. The Ethiopian Kale Hiwot Church is about 90 years old and in the last 90 years has been carrying out activities related to gospel outreach, teaching the word of God, prayer, discipleship as well as social services like opening clinics and hospitals and holistic development in both urban and rural areas. The Lord has greatly helped us and blessed our labor. We reach out to all parts of Ethiopia and currently we have expanded to Somalia, South Sudan, South Africa, Mid East and Far East as far afield as India. We have also taken the gospel to America. The Lord has abounded toward us with His grace. I have reviewed the opening and closing the books written by brother Adiamseged over the last 17 years and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. Our beloved brother Adiamseged is a humble servant of God. I was surprised while reading his books because although he hasn’t earned a PhD in theology, in his dedication to the word of God and to the leading of the Spirit he has produced these beneficial books for all Ethiopians around the world. May God continue to bless him. I have seen that the contents of the books present in-depth commentary on the individual books of the Bible for those who are interested in an in-depth study. Moreover, they are concise and written in comparison with the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. The interpretation of key messages is also presented in such a way that it bears no trace of bias to any denomination. I am happy to testify that the books come with detailed, useful teachings for all denominations and for anyone who can read and understand Amharic. I trust that churches within the country and outside as well as individuals everywhere can be blessed and edified by reading these books by brother Adiamseged. They can gain basic Bible knowledge and grow in their spiritual life by applying what they learn from the books. I recommend the books for this generation and era especially now that discipleship is being sidelined and people are led more by emotion than by sound teaching of the Word. The Bible is the greatest of revelations God has given us whereby we may shape our personality, conduct and everything about life. I believe, therefore, that these books will be instrumental in leading this generation to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and be His true disciples. If God will and our brother lives, I wish he would continue to do more of this work and that an editorial committee of theologians be formed to support him. There are many Bible schools and many Bible teachers who can contribute to the development of these books which will be beneficial to many people when printed and distributed. There are not many commentaries like these produced in Ethiopia. These books and others like them can be translated into many other Ethiopian languages to help in the spiritual edification and growth of many Ethiopian believers and those all over the world. I pray that God may bless him and his GHLU ministry.

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