Biography of Evangelist Kedamo
Purchase on AmazonNu Sirawin Eyu is a book telling the story of one the great servants of God in Ethiopia (Evangelist Kedamo Mechato). The Evangelist passed through many difficult conditions in life, persecutions and many interesting life challenges. The Book presents all the life history of the Evangelist Kedamo with his weaknesses and strengths. Evangelist Kedamo served the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church for more than 65 years. During his ministry he went to different parts of the country and preached many nationalities of the country. He worked with many SIM missionaries like Albert Brant, Merle Dye, Paul Balisky … During the Communist Regime he was called to serve in the pioneering City church of The Kale Hewyet, Geja Kale Heywet Church. There he passed all the dangerous times especially to the so called idealists, the church goers and daring ministers. Today many ministers living in Ethiopia and abroad are claiming that they grew up by the fatherly support and pastoral care of Evangelist Kedamo. Kedamo repeatedly lost his beloved wives and children. Though he faced many problems he stood strong and continued serving his Lord until he gets 89 years old. He is also blessed a lot serving the church. Temesgen Sahle who is serving the kale heywet church coordinating the literature and communication works of the church for years wrote the auto biography of Evangelist Kedamo and its published by the church’s support. Read it for sure you will be blessed.