My name is Dr. Eskendr Tadesse. I am Director of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary. For the last 18 years I have also served as a teacher in the seminary. I am married and father of two children. I am a member of the Ethiopia Full Gospel Believers Church, Kotebe local church and serve as a general secretary of the council of leaders in the church. I have known Adiamseged for 15 years. I know that he has been deeply involved in the writing ministry all these years. He has written many books that are based on the study of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The ministry of our brother Adiamseged is focused writing and he has published many books. However, I don’t think many people have read his books yet. His books are written well. They don’t go into complicated theological issues or complicated methods of interpretation. He doesn’t wander into unnecessary theological arguments. He has written many books and presented biblical sound teaching in a way that is understandable for many people. I have had the opportunity to read some of them. Since our brother Adiam is laboring in writing books on themes from the Old Testament and the New Testament, I must say that he should be supported at this time. His books should be read not only in evangelical churches but also other Christians outside evangelical will find them helpful if they read them. It would be good if many people could get hold of these books and take advantage of them. These books can of use in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary where I am ministering. We offer theological courses in Amharic. We have more than twenty colleges that train in the diploma program. We also have colleges that train in higher diploma and degree programs. We have over 77 centers which serve the needs of people who cannot go to regular theological schools. We will make every effort to see our brother Adiamseged’s books circulated in all of these colleges and teaching centers and be of use to many people. We have various programs in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Seminary. We offer bible as well as theology in Amharic and in English in the degree program. We also teach Leadership and Mission in the degree program. We teach various in various programs in the graduate level: Master of Philosophy, Master of Theology; we have Master of Arts, and Master of Divinity programs. We have signed memorandum of understanding with Free State University for PhD program and are preparing to launch it. Therefore we have many people who can use these books. We have many students, mostly from Full Gospel Church, but also from other churches. So these books can be widely used by many people. So let us all do everything we can to support our brother. I want to say, keep up to good work, to our brother Adiamseged. Thank you. I have had the opportunity to see his books. I saw the one he wrote on Romans ten years ago. Now he has written on the Gospel of John, and on the Song of Songs, and another book on Righteousness By Faith. My friends too have read these books. They all agree that he does not go into complicated theological issues and methods of interpretation but has given us books that can be used by beginners as well as advanced students of the bible. The three books I have got here are on the Gospel of John, Righteousness By Faith, and the Song of Songs. These are just some of the many works.